The proposed project at 437 Hoffman Ave will add a unit to an existing single family home. This neighborhood is zoned RH-2 (for 2 unit buildings). There are 44 lots on this block & 23 lots facing the project site on the opposite side of the street. Of these 67 lots, only 20 of them meet the zoning standard by providing more than one unit.
The proposed building will be 11'-9" under the height limit at front & 10'-2" under the height limit at the rear.
The proposed building is 5360 s.f. including garage & storage areas. 4780 s.f. of this is conditioned habitable space. The proposed lower unit is 1487 s.f. & the proposed upper unit is 3292 s.f. The allowable build-able area per standard setbacks built all the way to the height limit at this lot could easily contain a 9000 s.f. building per current code (ie. the proposed project is NOWHERE NEAR maxed out)
There are 6 buildings across the street on Hoffman Ave that have nearly identical features to the proposed building (Elizabethan Style with steeply pitched roof & 2 stories over Garage). 25 out of 34 buildings on the 2 sides of this block of Hoffman Ave already have garages.
Here is a link to the current drawings on file with the Planning Department:
The Planning Department is in support of this project - but it is being reviewed by the Planning Commission at an upcoming Discretionary Review Hearing.
By signing this petition - you agree that this project as proposed is reasonable & should be approved by the Planning Commission as designed.