Network Booster for the Lemelepo Community
To Safaricom Kenya,
From: The Lemelepo Community of the Larger Ongata Rongai-Kiserian Residents Association
The Importance of mobile communication infrastructure for the support of activities and wellbeing of communities in Olkeri Ward cannot be underestimated. Access to an effective communications network is an economic and social lifeline and a necessity if people are to participate in modern society.
In some areas of the Olkeri Ward, including outlying residential areas, there is limited and in some cases, no mobile phone coverage. The fact that the coverage is limited, it has implications for the ways in which community members conduct their work, family and social lives.
We appreciate the fact that Safaricom is the largest telecommunication company in the country. We enjoy your services wherever we can access your network. The plea of people of Olkeri is that, they need to access your services. This is due to poor network coverage especially in the homes within the Lemelepo Community.
The Olkeri Ward is located in Kajiado County. It has a huge population and a number of permanent social amenities and other economic establishments.
Here is a sample of the Olkeri area:-
- Area Population (Approx.): 43,820
- Area In Sq. Km (Approx.): 59.70
- Area Description: Comprises of the following sub locations: Lemelepo, Upper Matasia, Lower matasia, Upper Nkoroi, Oloosurutia, Kahuho and Olkeri
We the Olkeri Ward Residents are making an appeal to have a safaricom mobile network mast erected in the area in order to make it easy for communication. A strong signal is not only important for communication purposes, business but also for security during times of distress. Making distress calls sometimes during emergencies is a challenge and we would like to partner with Safaricom for a better network coverage.
In the essence of service to all, make Olkeri Safaricom Network an import!
For and on behalf of the Community we present this petition for signatures and presentation
Lemelepo Community – 0722123321
Shadrack Wamtunga – 0722840776
Emanuel Dennis - 0722619005