Stop Network Rail Cutting Down Trees

SAVE BROCKLEY’S GREEN CORRIDOR **please sign with your road or postcode in the comments** Last December, Network Rail destroyed one of Brockley’s green corridors, and part of the London Metropolitan Green Belt (see http://www2.lewisham.gov.uk/lbl/planning/udp/maps/mapfr039.html marked as “green corridor OS5”). Pictures can be seen here: http://olifreke.co.uk/NetworkRail/before.png http://olifreke.co.uk/NetworkRail/after.png This has resulted in the devastation of a beautiful urban landscape, the pointless annihilation of wildlife habitat, loss of privacy for those living beside the line and increased levels of noise and vibration. As you can see from the above images, our green corridor is now anything but green. Furthermore, the only consultation with the neighbours came in the form of a “round-robin” letter from Network Rail announcing their intention to ‘selectively and sensitively’ remove vegetation from the embankment. In fact they chopped down and poisoned every single tree along the line! We would like to ask for your support to demand that Network Rail redress their act of corporate vandalism and restore Brockley’s beautiful green corridor. Please sign our petition to: •Demand Network Rail replant our green corridor with mature native mixed deciduous and evergreen trees: birch, yew, oak, blackthorns etc., depending upon the soil on the embankment. •Obtain Network Rail’s assurance that these trees won’t be chopped down and poisoned again when they mature. •Demand Network Rail revise their negligent and dishonest neighbourhood “engagement” policy to prevent this from happening again. We know that Network Rail regularly destroy wildlife habitats beside miles of railway lines all over the UK (see links below), but we won’t let them get away with it in Brockley! **PLEASE SIGN WITH YOUR ROAD NAME OR POSTCODE IN THE COMMENTS, OTHERWISE IT DOESN'T COUNT!!! THANX**