New Bank ATM Center seeking to move into Lexington Center
Chase Bank is seeking approval from Lexington's Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) to install a bank ATM center in the space where Good Feet was the former tenant. The ZBA will hear this case on Thursday, April 11, in the Selectmen's Meeting Room (1625 Mass Ave, 2nd floor). It is the 3rd item on the agenda for a meeting that starts at 7:00pm.
This hearing is open to the public and anyone who is concerned about additional prime retail space being used for banking should try to attend. Also - and especially if you cannot attend the meeting in person - add your name to this petition.
Chase's request is the first regarding bank use since Lexington's zoning bylaws were changed to restrict banking and real estate use in our town center. The issue at hand is that an ATM is still an allowable use. At the time the new bylaw was created, the feeling was 'how bad is a 15' frontage for a single ATM machine vs. 40' frontage of a bank?' However, Chase is proposing to utilize the entire 50' frontage with 2 machines inside. The building department determined that the proposal was a bank use instead of an ATM and the landlord is now appealing that decision.
Many retailers and concerned residents feel utilizing the entire space for bank use will diminish the unique character of this town. (We have more banks per capita than most towns in MA) In addition, banks will continue to drive rents higher, making it impossible for small business owners to establish a storefront here. Currently, Lexington storefront rents rival Newbury street.
Adding your name to this petition will help demonstrate to the Zoning Board of Appeals that you would like to limit retail space used for banking in Lexington center.
Please spread the word about the meeting and this petition.