New Parent Council
Parent Council 0

New Parent Council

Parent Council 0 Comments
31 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, the undersigned parents and donors represent the students of Summit Christian Academy. Due to the actions in the past few weeks of the current board, we call for the immediate resignation of all three current board members (Dan Cross, Todd Zimmerman and Shirley Morris). We feel that the current board has lost its commitment to the students and the direction in which they need to lead the school. We give the current board members until 12/31/15 to resign at which the parents will elect a new board to take its place. If the board members choose not to resign by 12/31/15 then it will lead us to conclude that the board does not value nor take our concerns as parents and donors seriously. We will then have no alternative but to immediately stop any future FACTS tuition payments and/or donations while we seek out other alternatives for our children's education.

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