New RA deck boat restrictions and letters to residents indicate misguided and inappropriate resources are being used by the RA
Craig Gross 0

New RA deck boat restrictions and letters to residents indicate misguided and inappropriate resources are being used by the RA

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Craig Gross 0 Comments
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We the RA dues paying residents of Reston and primarily property owners on Lake Audubon, Lake Anne, and Lake Thoreau are being unjustly threatened to comply with inconsistent and unprofessional mandates from the RA. Decrepit, unsafe, unsightly, and frankly embarrassing boats sit at docks for years that should have been removed by the RA , yet responsible owners with safe, attractive, and well constructed boats are being threatened by the RA to cut an 1/2 inch off certain boats to comply with a "ordinance" that is unclear, inconsistent, unproven and perhaps unlawful. RA's leadership team and the RA President need to know that we don’t pay $700 a year to be harassed on insignificant issues. The RA’s time would be better spent picking up trash along our trails and spending our dues on more worthwhile efforts. The RA states that certain existing recreational activities such as pools and other venues may need to be cut for budgetary reasons. Yet we all watch Reston continue to expand and as it grows new property owners are each levied a $700 tax. Our demand is simple, use the RA's limited resources on what residents want, not what RA management deems in a closed meeting what must be an urgent issue to them, i.e. policing boats with rulers. Last summer I watched three RA employees go from boat to boat via their boat to measure each boat. Three employees on the RA payroll to do a one person job at best. Our wooden boats don't magically expand and contract each year more than an inch, why the annual measuring exercise year after year? The RA owes each and every owner of any boat on our lakes an apology! Join me in presenting this petition to the President of the RA and the RA Board and let them know we have had enough of this foolishness! . We all understand the RA's purpose is essentially to ensure our property values remain in line with the rest of the county and to provide recreational activities for Reston residents. We as residents fund the payroll for all of the RA employee team, and expect rational decisions on how they use their time and labor. Sending veiled threat legal letters to homeowners who are law abiding has this dues paying resident feeling short-changed.

Craig Gross

Lakewinds II.

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