Petition for Honest Shipping

Resolution Sought: We petitioners would like NewEgg to add anticipated delivery times in their order forms; "$30 - UPS Next-Day Overnight" should become "$30 - UPS Next-Day Overnight - Get your package by XX/XX/XXXX." We would like NewEgg to become forthcoming with details when delays occur - even and especially in cases where it would be possible to cancel an order and place it with another vendor. Anything less is a crutch to facilitate deception. Company Information: NewEgg Computers 9997 East Rose Hills Road Whittier, CA 90601 Website: http://www.newegg.com Phone: (800) 390-1119 Complaint: Being able to predict delivery dates is often of paramount importance when shopping online and NewEgg sometimes fails to deliver product within implied (by industry standards) or expressed schedules. NewEgg's sales policies intentionally confuse transit times with actual delivery times in a manner that is not obvious. Further, their customer service representatives will not generally research or discuss potential delays between order placement and actual product shipment in adequate depth until such time as to make cancellation impractical. The frequency of problematic orders forces the impression that such deceptive policy is company culture. When challenged, NewEgg insists that a delay of up to two days may be required to process an order and that the day of shipment does not count toward total shipping time. Regardless of what may be written in the fine print, it is completely inappropriate to expect a customer to understand that a product ordered on Sunday with overnight shipping might not arrive, under normal circumstances, until Thursday or Friday. It is morally reproachable that NewEgg's service department doesn't make the situation immediately clear upon contact in such situations, especially given that overnight shipping from many competitors, such as Amazon, really does mean overnight.