Visitors and Neighbors Who Want to Protect New Paltz

I am a visitor to New Paltz. I urge the Town Planning Board and the Town Board to oppose the mega-development planned for the gateway to the Town. I do not come to New Paltz for chain store retail outlets. I come because New Paltz is unique. That is in danger. This project will gridlock traffic on Rte. 299 which is already intolerable. It will mar the gateway to the town. This project will only make New Paltz the same as every other strip-malled locale. That\'s not why I come to visit New Paltz. Please don\'t allow this project to happen. [ After you sign, a page from iPETITIONS will come up telling you your name has been registered and asking you for money. Unless you want to give iPETITIONS money, just close the page--no need to press continue. ]