Newsagent for Mt Kuring-gai
Ken Mullins 0

Newsagent for Mt Kuring-gai

182 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Ken Mullins 0 Comments
182 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Update 6: 19/01/2010 -


Aldi meet with Newsagency Operator to discuss possible Newsagent location. is pleased to report today that both parties are in negotiations to accommodate a Newsagent Tenancy on the new Aldi Re-development site. We look forward to positive outcomes of these negotiations and the co-operation of Hornsby Shire Council to finalise a mutually acceptable outcome for the existing newsagency operator, the developer Aldi in the interests of the surrounding Community.


The five tenancy D.A option (originally only 3 under the DCP) was only possible with Mayoral consent so let's hope Mayor Berman sees the sense in this further amendment to the development consent, given the circumstances and overt reaction of the ratepayers of Mount Kuring-gai and surrounding areas once details of the eviction of the Newsagent became public knowledge.


Please note there has been a resounding response to the petition including many traditional "snail mail-ins" to the P.O Box by the elderly community who are not familiar with internet and rely on their local newsagent for information. 


Update 5 : 12/01/2010 -


BREAKING NEWS: Aldi to meet with Newsagency Operator


As a result of overwhelming Community support and this important local issue being elevated by the Hornsby Advocate; today reports that Aldi have called a meeting with the existing Newsagent to discuss possibilities of being retained in the new centre.

``The idea is to explore possibilities for an alternative solution, to look at how we can accommodate Mr Clementi,’’ the spokeswoman said. ``We want to give him the opportunity to meet with one of our property directors.”

Thank you to all who have signed the petition and left positive comments on the website. (Keep them coming in...)

Good luck to Mr Clementi and Aldi in ongoing discussions and for the sake of local residents of Mount Kuring-gai and surrounding areas we hope that sanity will prevail.


Thanks for giving a damn ! - "Your voice Counts" 


Update 4 : 08/01/2010 -


Casual Lease gets Preference over Twenty Year Loyal Tenant;


FACT ONE: Minutes of a meeting of 18/11/2008 where Aldi met to brief them on the new Develepmont were advised (and it was recorded) that existing tenants in the centre were promised they would be invited to return.

Link to Minutes:


FACT TWO: Following this Meeting (After the subject to DA Sale to Aldi) and vacating of Hairdresser Tenancy “Sylvias” ; the existing Landlord signed up a “casual lease” of a Bakery/Pie Shop reseller from Berowra to tide over his income until Aldi got their D.A approved.


FACT THREE: The existing landlord did this with no vested interest in the future of the Centre and had previously denied Rudi Clementi

Sub letting his old newsagent on the basis that “no further food could take place at the Centre”. Mt Clementi was paying rent on a vacant Tenancy the Old Newsagent he took over

And relocated into his shop.


FACT FOUR: The outgoing landlord did this with complete disregard to existing Food Operators also.


FACT FIVE: The Pie/Cake outlet (a casual lessee) who was not even present at the 18/11/08 Meeting  (because he was not an existing Tenant) has now been given priority over

A Tenant who has been there for twenty years and was promised by Aldi he would be invited to return.


Is this an Aussie Fair Go Aldi?


Update 3 : 07/01/2010 - Mount Kuring-gai Newsagency omission by Aldi gains local media attention. Have your say at the article. Click here:

Aldi unapologetic and deny claims all Tenants would be offered new Leases.


Update 2 : 04/01/2010 - “The initiative is a local residents action and names of its constituents have been kept confidential in the interests of not prejudicing the outcomes of potential ongoing discussions between Aldi and the previous Newsagency Operator.” Further information on responses from Aldi will be posted here, however Aldi's responsiveness will be determined by the level of local community support this petition draws.


Update 1 : 04/01/2010 - Please note after you sign you will be asked to make a donation to ipetitions. This is voluntary only. Your signature will still have been recorded and you may exit without making any donation. is a free service to Communities like ours.


"Your Voice Counts"  


This petition is to demonstrate to Aldi that the people of Mount Kuring-gai and surrounding areas want the convenience of a 7 Day a Week Newsagency to be maintained in their suburb.


Background: Aldi Supermarkets have been successful in their development application to re-develop the Mt Kuring-gai Village Shopping Centre.


This is great news for the local community to have a redeveloped brand new Shopping Centre. The local businesses who have served the local community have been invited to return except the Newsagency.


This leaves a "gap" in the convenience we can expect at our local Centre and locals will now have to travel to Mt Colah or Berowra for the convenience that we have so long enjoyed 7 days a week from the early morning to 8PM at night.


Solution: This our chance to speak as a public voice as Aldi have made their decision. With enough support and the intervention of local members, it's time to have our say and claw back our "freedom of choice".

This gives Aldi the opportunity to reconsider and reverse their decision, based on our feedback as their customers.


"Sunday just isn't Sunday" without our local Newsagent and the convenience our local residents have enjoyed for twenty years up until now.


That last minute Birthday Card on the way to the Party, the walk with the dog to get the Paper, or that bit of stationary to complete the kid's school assignment. Gone Forever


- Time to speak up Mount Kuring-gai -




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