NFL and The Church

A Feb 1 Indianapolis Star reported that the NFL told Fall Creek Baptist Church that its plans for a big-screen showing of the game were improper. After the church resolved the NFL\'s first two complaints (the use of the words "Super Bowl," and a cover charge for the party), the NFL still demanded the party be shut down. This size of the projected image of the game, the league complained, was larger than the legal 55 inches. While many churches have shut down their Super Bowl parties this year in favor of obedience to the "laws of the land," it\'s apparent to most that the league\'s stance is just plain ridiculous. Churches can\'t have a Super Bowl party Come on. What\'s worse is the league\'s double standard. They say it\'s okay for Sports Bars to show the game because they do it on a daily basis. But are they held to the same standards No. Amazingly, with little effort, I\'ve found print and television ads for anywhere from Strip Clubs to Bars to Restaurants that include copyrighted words and logos, have cover charges, and never have a TV in their establishment any other time besides the Super Bowl. Maybe the league should focus on establishments who use the Super Bowl to directly profit rather than those who just want to provide a family-friendly environment to support their favorite team. While most networks are begging for people to watch their programming, the NFL is sending churches cease-and-desist letters Yikes. Sign this petition to show your support of change of the league\'s policies. Then, do like I did and use the information below to contact the league directly. National Football League 280 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212-450-2000 (Yes, a real person does answer the phone!) Fax: 212-681-7599