Call for a Student Constitutional Convention at Frostburg State University

The Student Government Association of Frostburg is failing in its duty to represent the students at Frostburg. In light of the most recent failures of the SGA, we believe that the SGA needs to undergo serious structural reform in a democratic process in order for it to truly serve the students. To prove this, let these facts be submitted before the student body:
1.That because of a system of appointments, a revolving door of nepotism has dominated the Presidency of the SGA;
2.That people of color and minorities, who make up 50% of the student body, have had an increasing lack of representation on SGA and on the Executive Board in the last 20 years,despite an explosion in the minority population at FSU;
3.That they have regularly repeated a pattern of turning down disadvantaged groups from executive positions;
4.That they have appointed bigoted and ignorant members to the elected role of senators without the consent of the students they represent.
5.That they showed apathy and abdicated responsibility in their lack of support for Brownsville related projects and awareness campaigns;
6.That many SGA senators have refused to take responsibility for the feeling of futility fostered by the organization, and rather blame the Frostburg student base publicly for the astoundingly low public engagement in SGA elections.
7.That the SGA has shown a lack of transparency in their affairs and elections, putting obstacles in the way of students knowing the facts they are entitled to, and;
8.That students and organizations campus-wide report feeling overwhelmingly dissatisfied with the adversarial nature of their very representatives.For these reasons and more, we are formally initiating a petition to democratically redraft the SGA constitution in order to address these exigencies. We believe that a SGA charter written by the students and for the students will solve many of the flaws the SGA has today and address the true reason engagement with the organization is so low. Look forward to a constitutional convention in the Fall. We have heard you, the student body; Change is coming.
The National General Assembly at Frostburg,
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