![Ngati Hine Support AGAINST the Evolved Crown Mandate](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/ngati-hine-support-against-the-evolved-crown/0848539739e49805e916a0b6f51fc85a.png)
Ngati Hine Support AGAINST the Evolved Crown Mandate
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- We the undersigned OPPOSE the Ngapuhi Evolved Mandate on the following grounds for submission:
- Ngati Hine rangatiranga is undermined by the current engagement process undertaken by the Minister utilising his Technical Working Group
- Ngati Hine will not agree to any process which would undermine our Tino Rangatiratanga and our sovereignty (including, without limitation, any full and final settlement).
- Ngati Hine requires the proposal to provide a clearway to address the Stage One Findings and how constitutional redress can be progressed
- Ngati Hine require a clear and fair withdrawal mechanism for our hapu to pursue our own path – including the removal of our Hapu, Marae and Wai claims from the process
- Ngati Hine requires direct engagement with the Crown on redress matters
- Ngati Hine reject the Technical Group’s proposal for a central single body to hold our commercial redress (quantum) on behalf of all Ngapuhi hapu
- Ngati Hine will decide how its redress is negotiated and managed – commercial redress needs to come back to Ngati Hine
- Ngati Hine vehemently oppose TRAION representation in the proposed structure
- Ngati Hine oppose kaumatua kuia representation – they are valued members of our hapu and will be taken care of by Ngati Hine
- Ngati Hine oppose any urban representation – our noho taone whanau are members of Ngati Hine and our hapu. Their voice is important and can be heard via Ngati Hine.
**** IMPORTNANT ****
Please insure that you put your Full Name and the details below in the comment box provided.
Name: ……………………………………………..
WAI # (if any) ……………………………………………..
Hapu: ………………………………….............
Marae: …………………………………………….