Niagara CCC Stands Against Racism Pledge

We here at Niagara County Community College believe in equal opportunities to succeed, we also believe that no one should be treated differently because of their skin color. We want our NCCC Community to sign this pledge, which will not only help to show all of our support to those families of those fallen victim, but will also to show that our NCCC family does not support racial injustice.
I pledge to:
- Notice all forms of bias, prejudice and discrimination in which I participate
- Identify and eliminate any use of expressions of racism or racial stereotypes.
- To educate myself on racial justice issues and share what I learn in my own communities even if it means challenging my family, my partner, my children, my friends, my co-workers and those I encounter on a daily basis
I further pledge to:
- Use my voice or my pen or my social media, rather than be silent, when I hear racist words or see racist actions.
- Actively work to support public policy solutions that clearly promote racial equity.
- Intentionally join with Niagara CCC and other organizations or individuals in my community working to eradicate all forms of racism.
I take this pledge, fully aware that the struggle to eliminate racism will not end by me reciting this pledge. It requires an ongoing transformation within me, as well as in the institutions and structures of our society. By signing this pledge, it shows that I support and agree to stand against any racially motivated bias here at NCCC and the surrounding community.
…adopted from YWCA and written by Maurice Jackson