NLS Sixth Form Dress Code Changes
As you may have heard NLS have recently announced a change in policy for sixth form dress code. This is now to be office wear i.e. no jeans, sweat shirts or T shirts and to include a smart formal coat.
Some may not object to the code but its introduction via a page on the website at this late stage, when students have made their choice of sixth form, shows a total lack of consultation and respect for students on the brink of adulthood. It's clear neither the student or parent voice has had an opportunity to be heard.
Furthermore, the cost of such 'office' clothing will be considerable and may well have been a consideration in choice of Further Education provider.
Please sign the petition below to ask the school to reconsider the change in rules and to take parents and students wishes into account. Ideally reverting to the previous rule or a 'half way house' where jeans and smart t shirts for example will be allowed .