No Cell Phone Tower in Kenilworth IL
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Dear Kenilworth Board of Trustees:
We are Kenilworth residents and/or parents of children who attend Joseph Sears School. The Kenilworth cell tower is not needed to meet all communication and safety needs of the village, and pose a substantial risk to its residents and school children; hence, we request you oppose its construction.
Thank you.
Concerned Kenilworth Residents and/or Parents of Joseph Sears School
For our new petitioners:
Property values in cell tower areas can reportedly drop anywhere from 2-to-25 percent, and the federal government will not back a new mortgage for a home purchased within a certain radius of the tower.
While some “experts” claim the science is not settled on the health risks, independent studies spanning the globe (most notably Germany and Israel) say that living within 1500 feet of a cell phone increases your risk of cancer by anywhere from 300-400 percent, and countries around the world have banned towers being constructed within that proximity to schools.
The threat comes from the constant nature of the activity of the towers; they emit pulsed radio frequency radiation. This radiation has been shown in thousands of studies to cause biological damage to the body and to be a precursor to disease.Cell towers are here to stay but their implantation needs effective regulation in terms of location and radiation levels. The 1996 Telecommunications Act (TCA), does not qualify the public's right to protest cell tower locations based on health hazards. Cell towers should be located away from residential areas and far away from schools and day care centers.
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