NO Fluoride in Community Water
Fluoride prescriptions need to be specific to the individual based on their DOCTOR’S assessment and recommendations. Community fluoridation is a blanket prescription that alters an entire ecosystem and does not account for everyone’s needs.
NO to community water fluoridation means health equity for EVERYONE in addition to the health of the environment.
***The needs of infants, unborn children, fish, trees and animals or people with kidney problems, diabetes, compromised immunity, allergies, etc. are not less important than the needs of those with cavities.***
Spokane voters have turned down water fluoridation THREE times. On September 14th, 2020, Spokane City Council voted “yes” to accepting a 4 million dollar grant from Delta Dental’s “Arcora Foundation.” This grant is said to be used to put the infrastructure into place to eventually fluoridate the community water. The details of this agreement were not released to the public, so there is much to this agreement we are completely in the dark about.
They moved forward with this agreement without first receiving approval from their constituents; however, it is likely that the final decision to fluoridate will appear on the ballot after the infrastructure placement is complete. This will take approximately 2 to 4 years. We know that Arcora has hired a PR firm to convince the public of fluoride benefits without addressing any of the environmental issues and issues presented to vulnerable populations.
It is more important than ever to HAVE the difficult conversations with our loved ones, with our friends, with our colleagues, really with everyone. No one can make an informed decision on their ballot without hearing both sides of the story, without hearing about the adverse reactions. Without hearing about the alarming effects of fluoride in infants, animals and the immune compromised.
Did you know that drug companies use fluoride to induce cancer in lab rats before testing their cancer drugs on them?
Did you know that people with diabetes, kidney problems and auto immune diseases are medically advised to not drink fluoridated water?
Did you know that fluoride causes kidney disease in animals?
Did you know that prenatal and infant exposure to fluoride causes reduced IQ and ADHD in children ages 6 - 12?
Did you know that the EPA is currently under federal investigation for approving a neurotoxin in municipal water supplies?
Email for peer reviewed journals from the National Library of Medicine.
Did you know that City Council accepted the grant WITHOUT proving any of these studies wrong?