Stop the Brightwaters Cell Tower at Gilbert Park
We, the following citizens, residents and community advocates of the Village of Brightwaters, and all relevant neighboring communities at large do hereby: OPPOSE the placement of a cell tower and adjoining equipment compound to be located on the property of Gilbert Park at the South end of Windsor Avenue, Brightwaters for the following reasons: 1. The proposed cell tower does not belong near any area zoned for Single Family Residential Use. 2. The introduction of this structure into the landscape would forever alter the character of the Village of Brightwaters. 3. A tower over 100 feet in height is directly out of scale with, and in great contrast to, the natural aesthetics of the surrounding area. 4. It will lower property values of the single family homes in this residential community, and residents would seek lower tax assessments as a result of this tower. There are various appraiser journals and industry publications that support the arguments of reduced property values and cell phone towers. REQUEST that the Village of Brightwaters: 1. Determine if a legitimate need for a cell tower exists in Gilbert Park. 2. Investigate less intrusive areas not located near residential neighborhoods that would be more suited to house a 100 foot cell tower and all accompanying equipment compounds and facilities.