No Homework At School

Dont you hate spending hours and hours of what is suppose to be your free time, doing homework? Dont you hate getting so stressed out about a homework assignment and then stressing your parents out about it, because they don't understand it either? Well, most of you guys probably agree with me, right? Teachers say that homework helps them to see where everyone is at, well that most definitely wont help them to see, because how many people just copy someone else's homework? Or googled it? The only way a teacher is going to be able to properly examine where everyone is at, is in a classroom. Kids go to school everyday from about 7:30 till 3:15, that is about 7 and a half hours. Then they have some sort of activity going on after school and that can be anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours. By the time they get home it is 7 or 8 a clock, then they have tons of homework to do. In health you learn that sleep is important to the development of your mind and body. How are we suppose to get enough sleep so we don't mess up our mind growth. Having to stay up till 1 to 2 am in the morning to finish homework, then having to get up at 6 am, only gives you 4 hours of sleep, which is not healthy. There are so many negative effects homework can cause, so I hope you agree with me, that they should not allow teachers to assign homework.