Please Help Us Stop Kids From Being Sent To The World’s Deadliest Adult Prison

Disclaimer: Please DO NOT Donate to ipetitions.com, which is hosting this petition. It does not go to this cause.
Instead, please donate directly to the non-profits involved:
• Fair Fight Initiative
• ACLU of Louisiana
Please also sign the petition and share the website address:https://NoKidsInAngola.com/
with all of your family and friends on social media.
Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards is planning to move kids to the largest prison in the country, Angola. This would make him the first governor in modern American history to move children to the grounds of a maximum-security adult prison.
Under Governor Edwards’ unprecedented plan, kids will be housed in Angola’s former death row. Kids who have not been convicted of a crime will be housed in the same cells that previously held condemned men.
Angola is a symbol of white supremacy and racial oppression, as it has transformed from slave plantation, to labor camp for convict leasing and now, the nation’s largest prison known for its human rights abuses. There is a direct line between slavery and Governor Edward’s plan to move mostly Black boys onto the grounds of Angola.
Louisiana was once a national youth justice leader, investing in a system based in rehabilitation, treatment and care. It can be again, if Governor Edwards makes a different choice and invests in kids, hope and care, instead of punishment.
Sign the petition and donate at: https://NoKidsInAngola.com/. Tell Governor Edwards: No kids in Angola. Invest in Louisiana’s kids, families, and communities instead.
Disclaimer: Again, Please DO NOT Donate to ipetitions.com, which is hosting this petition. It does not go to this cause.
Instead, please donate directly to the non-profits involved:
• Fair Fight Initiative
• ACLU of Louisiana