NO Kingston Road Village
I'm writing this post to express my opposition to the re-naming of the neighbourhood on Kingston Road between Malvern and Fallingbrook to “Kingston Road Village" by the Business Owners. This arbitrary and unofficial rebranding is inappropriate when this neighbourhood has a name and a heritage that is being dismissed with this name.
The Village of East Toronto, which even has a wiki page was incorporated in 1888 and was really the driving force for settlement of the wider area.
There have been BIAs and regulations set in place to avoid this; however, it appears the regulations have not been abided by in this case. The name came without ANY formal community consultation and that the name negates the history of the community.
Join our neighbours by adding your name to this petition for residents against the renaming of the community to “Kingston Road Village”.
or contact councillor for Ward 32:
Mary Margaret McMahon 416-392-1376
Councillor McMahon