![No McDonald's Drive Through](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/assets/v4/images/default/petitionsThumbs/23.webp)
No McDonald's Drive Through
The planning commission met and voted to recommend to the City Council that a drive thru be approved so that a McDonald’s can be built behind Kwik-Trip. As residents, we have always known that this lot was zoned for mixed use commercial and have relied on the definition stated in the Comprehensive Plan which states for land of this designation, “The commercial use is intended to support or compliment the residential development. If the Lyman Boulevard site is developed commercially, it shall be with neighborhood-oriented commercial uses. These areas have been zoned PUD (Planned Unit Development). The scale of these uses should be compatible with surrounding land use patterns, which are typically residential. Neighborhood/convenience commercial uses should have a limited impact on surrounding areas, measured in terms of hours of operation, noise and light impacts, signage and odor”. The addition of a McDonalds fails to meet the criteria described above. Residents will bear the brunt of the increased traffic, noise, trash and smell if the proposal is approved by the City Council. The following is also taken from the Comprehensive Plan which the city has always touted as their guiding principle that would ensure that the city grows in a manner that makes sense for all residents- Neighborhood/Conveniece Commercial Goods and Services Examples • Small to medium sized restaurants (no drive through windows) • Dry Cleaning • Health/Fitness Services (size limit) • Office • Day Care • Neighborhood Scale Convenience Store • Gas Stations • Personal Services At the planning commission meeting the developer said that in their traffic study a McDonalds drive thru would mean only a 5% increase in traffic over a local coffee shop. They have now lost all credibility. If a McDonald’s is built there will be sign on the freeway indicated the available services at the exit. We will become a freeway food and bathroom stop. This is not what we have been promised as residents. I strongly urge you to not abandon the comprehensive plan and vote no for the amendment for a fast food drive through on the 101/ Lyman building site as expressly stated in the comprehensive plan.