No More IB Community Project

The IB Community Project is an unnecessary part of the curriculum, as it is basically forced service. Service is only useful when its done from the heart. However, this aspect of the curriculum conditions children to do something that they don't want to do. And service should always be a choice. Although it is definitely a good activity, it should be a choice that shouldn't be forced upon kids who just want to enjoy their lives.
Although the Community Project is certainly useful, the process journal and report writing process make no sense, due to the fact that you can also take action without those aspects. And it should be considered that proper planning is needed, btu maintaining the process journal and report while balancing Portfolios and Exams is hard for students, as schools make us overdo the planning (plan more than what is necessary or healthy) and the written work regarding the criteria as well. Even students who have been serving the community for a long time have been echoing the same points and want an end to the excess and unnecessary planning to a simple and heartfelt act of charity that is service.
Therefore, to save our future generations from being misguided about service in this way, and encouraging them to do more instead of discouraging them like this, we need to END THE COMMUNITY PROJECT. Please support our cause to make the world of service a better place for our young ones now and the children of the future.