No more humiliation for drivers
Narinder Gumber 0

No more humiliation for drivers

789 signers. Add your name now!
Narinder Gumber 0 Comments
789 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Taxi mates!

Taxi Driving is one of professions which most of the newly arrived migrants have done in Australia.

It is an unfortunate to say that drivers are not getting respect from ( NSP) Network Service providers.

Many incidents had happened in the past where drivers have been abused and humiliated either by rude customers or NSP's .

When this was shared within the 13Cabs driver's community many drivers shared their stories especially against one person named Brad at 13Cabs Driver Services. It seems everyone had suffered at least once. It is time to join pur hands together and get respect which we deserve. We pay around $10000 to these service providers to get the service But now a days we get very small amount of work with lots of harassment and insult by driver services of 13Cabs.

13Cabs is one of the biggest taxi service provider companies in Australia.

The purpose of this petition is to address the management of the company regarding unfair and humiliated behavior towards taxi drivers by the Drivers service Department.

Life is not about earning for living but also living with dignity as well. Please join your hands with us and sign this petition to show our strength and say no to this unacceptable behavior.

Thank you for the support.

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