No More Pet Store Guinea Pigs!

We are asking US pet store chains Petco, Pet Supplies Plus, PetSmart and others to stop stocking guinea pigs and host adoption days instead.
US pet stores that sell guinea pigs have created nothing more than homeless guinea pig populations, crippling medical expenses and heartbreak for responsible guinea pig owners.
Commercial pet stores are notorious for selling poorly bred guinea pigs with health issues, and they are often misgendered. While on display for sales, guinea pigs are kept in crowded, unventilated housing and fed a poor diet. Stores make bad matters worse by selling inadequate "starter kits" and questionable supplies to customers.
US animal rescue organizations are frequently over capacity dealing with the uncontrolled breeding and serious diseases caused by these stores' profit-first policies. Signing this petition will send a clear message to guinea pig mills and commercial pet stores to stop this horrific practice now!
Our thanks to award winning writer Michael Pollick and artist Charles Carpenter for their assistance with this petition
Image @2024 Copyright Lenhart Studios LLC.