No More Tail Docking

It is time, dogs should not have their tails amputated for anything except health reasons. Many breeds, mine included are required to have their tails cut off to enter the show ring here in America. Because of this, it has become common practice for many dogs to have part of their tail removed.
We need to let the AKC know that it is time to take a step forward for our dogs and to allow full tailed dogs in the ring...for all breeds.
This is a small step to stop the barbaric act of chopping puppy tails off for a standard someone made many years ago. We know better now and we need to do better for all dogs.
I would love to see a ban in docking but changing the rules to allow full tailed dogs to be shown is a first step.
Education is the best way for change to happen. If you'd like to change how things are done to dogs, sign the petition.
I would like to get thousands of signatures. Then it will be sent to AKC
And thank you for your love of dogs.