![No Slavery or Abuse](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/no-slavery-or-abuse/Noslave.jpg)
No Slavery or Abuse
Show your support by signing this petition now
The first Human right, The most important right of them all is:All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
This means that every human is born to live a free life and not have to go through any pain of abuse, this also means no one should be pushed to do things for others they don't want to do. This includes being forced to help with murders, because that scars you're life for one and you also are locked up for life. It is the 21st century and we should of learned that slavery and abuse is not okay, everyones life should be free they should be able to live a life and have fun instead of having bummer life.