Novak Creek 0

NO to the Giant Cell Tower

49 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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49 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Do you enjoy the beauty of the canyon? Do you live here, fish here, or recreate here?

We, the concerned residents of Novak Creek and the broader Cascade County area, strongly oppose the construction of a giant cell phone tower in our community.

This 365 foot tower is the height of a 35 story building and will be lit up for aircraft.

This proposed tower would not only be in direct violation of the land covenants established and filed in the county in 2002 to protect property values of our landowners and the aesthetics of the canyon, but it also presents a multitude of detrimental impacts to our neighborhood and environment. It will be above the mountain tops, visible from south of the Dearborn and north to Cascade.

1. Visual Blight: The towering structure will be a visual eyesore, disrupting the natural beauty and aesthetic of this stretch of the river. It will be visible from all around the area, negatively affecting the scenic views that we all cherish.

2. Environmental Impact: No comprehensive environmental impact studies have been conducted regarding the construction and operation of this cell tower. Such studies are crucial to assess potential risks to our local ecosystem.

3. Harm to Recreation and Enjoyment: The proposed cell tower threatens to mar the enjoyment of the river area, which countless residents and visitors value. It may deter individuals and families from visiting, fishing, boating, and simply appreciating the serene environment along the river stretch from Hardy Creek past the Dearborn.

4. Legal Concerns: We acknowledge that this issue is partially a civil matter, and we firmly believe that it is also illegal. It appears that the landowner in question has been attempting to slip this project past the community without our knowledge. Moreover, the permit was erroneously approved by the county, as it contained multiple instances of incomplete information.

5. Money Grab: We are deeply concerned that it is driven by profit rather than the well-being and interests of our community.

We, the undersigned residents and supporters, firmly believe that a 350-foot cell tower is not in the best interest of our neighborhood. We call on all those in Cascade County who care about the part of the river from Hardy Creek to the Dearborn to join us in signing this petition.

We petition that:

  1. The County Commissioners nullify the erroneously approved permit due to incomplete information and thoroughly investigate the legality of this project.
  2. The County Commissioners recognize the land covenants established and filed in the county in 2002.
  3. Alternatives that are less visually intrusive and environmentally damaging be explored and considered.

By signing this petition, we express our collective concern and request that the values and interests of our neighborhood and the broader Cascade County community be upheld. Together, we can protect the beauty and harmony of our area from being compromised.

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