Video Games Shouldn't Be Banned
Unless you help, and sign a petition or do something that proves videogames are not the cause of violence, videogames can be wiped off the face of the Earth. Some countries and/or have banned videogames due to violence and/or gore. The point of a videogames is to provide entertainment to the player, nothing in the game is meant for the player to re-enact. As some scientific sources have stated, the public is just blaming videogames for violent act because they’re the first thing they think of, when they think violence and gore. Second videogames don’t look real, but of course with the technological advances being made today are possible of much betting graphics (a realistic look). Like I’ve said before videogames are sometimes banned for violence and gore… so? It’s not like the videogame is real and someone is really committing a violence act! One solution of not getting videogames banned is signing a petition, quick, easy, and free. In short videogames get banned for being violent or gory, and showing the player how to kill someone, when in reality the videogame is simple made just for the entertainment of the player.