Let's not be a community that throws each other under the bike / bus block by block because we don't want protected bike lines on "our" block either. Wood street residents may not want a "one way" bike lane or even a bike lane. Their home, they decide. Same goes for Wolcott. Let's support both Wood & Wolcott and the whole 1st Ward.
Please Share/Forward this petition by any means possible, Community Sites/ groups, blogs, emails, word of mouth, text, meetings, even this flyer.
If Chicago Avenue loses parking, people who park there overnight will be forced to park on interior streets day and night.
A lot of time and effort has been made to help Inform / Educate / Arm our community. Please take the time to read the detailed letter to the community that ties things together via link below.
For those who have not seen the flyer an EZ read that also ties things together via link below
Am I in the 1st Ward? Find out using this link:
Please review the language of this petition
- We are asking the residents of the 1st Ward to sign this petition to stop the implementation of both Wood and Wolcott bike lane projects and any future bike lane projects in our 1st Ward and to halt any Future Permanent Bus / Bike lane on Chicago Avenue from Ashland to Western.
We will present the signatures to the 1st Ward Alderman , CDOT and any other concerned entities.
*United We Stand, Divided We Fall*
We, the Residents of the 1st ward , City of Chicago , are making known our intentions for our community to any and all concerned parties in the following petition.
No Bike Lane Related Implementations of Any and All Kinds in the 1st Ward Residential Areas.
This will include any and all parkway streets, side streets, boulevards and alley ways.
- The halt of any and all future potential implementation of a Permanent Bus and/or Bike Lane on Chicago Avenue and the removal of existing temporary bus lane.
- The halt of the proposed, “one way “ Wood Street Bike Lane Project and any other future bike lane implementations of any and all kinds.
- Removal of Wood Street Green Way, if Residents who reside on Wood Street so choose , with a majority vote of the residents who reside on Wood Street and any other street in a similar situation who chooses to do the same can petition the Alderman for its removal with the full support of the undersigned. (or opt for no repaint and let it fade to save tax dollars)
- The Halt of any repainting of existing Residential Bike Lanes without the consent of the Residents who reside on said street .
- The halt of the proposed, Wolcott “protected “ dual bike lanes proposal or any other future bike lanes implementations on Wolcott of any and all kinds.
- No implementation of "protected" bike lane on Augusta Blvd.
*Acknowledgment: By signing this petition, will null and void approval on any other previous petition for a " Wolcott " Alt. Bike Lane.