Recommend Professors Forgive Absences on Election Day

We, as students at the University of Virginia, recognize the importance of this presidential election on November 4, 2008. Thus, we are asking for leniency from professors if students miss class on that day. If a professor has an exam scheduled or a major assignment due, we ask that this professor consider moving the respective exam or assignment to another date. Without the threat of being penalized for missing classes, students will be able to go to the polls in Charlottesville or drive home to cast their votes. By expressing an understanding of the students’ desire to part take in this election, the administration and faculty of UVA will be sending a message indicating the significance of students' actively participating in the electoral process. We do not wish to undermine the importance of attending classes; however, we are in fact acknowledging through formal means the necessity of requesting leniency towards students missing attending classes in the name of our civic duties. Students signing this petition are held accountable by the honor code: that if they miss a class it is to cast their ballot . We thank you for your support in honoring one of our most valued traditions and duties as citizens. ** Please add your year to the comment section ** ** notify Student Council if your professor has an exam or assignment due on November 4th or email cec5g@virginia.edu with class name and Professor. A letter formally explaining the idea behind the petition and the Student Council's Voter Access Resolution will be sent to the Professor.**