Help Ban Ear Piercing (Stud) Guns!
Wendi Wentzell 0

Help Ban Ear Piercing (Stud) Guns!

82 signers. Add your name now!
Wendi Wentzell 0 Comments
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As a body piercer I am against piercing guns. Almost everyone I know has had their ears pierced with one. Some people have had other things such as the tragus, nose and ear cartilige. Most people do not know the risks involved. This is a statement from the APP. A group that I would like to get involved in this. I agree with all the points and I think more people need to realize what they are getting into. What is the APP Position on Stud Guns It is the official position of the Association of Professional Piercers that only sterile disposable equipment is suitable for safe body piercing. The lack of ability to sterilize the ear piercing guns is one of the issues of concern about such equipment. Blood can aerosolize (become airborne in essentially microscopic particles) and contaminate the gun. If any part of the stud touches any part of the contaminated gun, there is the possibility of transmitting a disease-causing micro organism. The Hepatitis virus can live for extended periods on inanimate surfaces, therefore transmission of such disease through this type of equipment is possible. Further, most of the ear studs are quite dull, even if slightly pointy. The piercings are accomplished using a considerable amount of force. This is more like a crush injury than a piercing, and feels like one as well. The use of a sharper, sterile object makes for a much safer, gentler, more comfortable piercing. Other aspects of concern include the fact that the studs are too short for some earlobes, which can result in complications. The jewelry can get completely embedded in ear lobes, even when pierced according to usual practice with a gun. Also, the piercings are difficult to clean thoroughly if too close fitting. The studs do not allow for much room even on slim lobes. Air and blood circulation are limited which can delay or complicate healing. Swelling and/or scar tissue formation can result. Also, the butterfly backing of ear studs have a configuration that can easily trap bacteria adding to the potential risk of infection. Another problem is that the guns are very easy to misuse. Some who operate them


This is a personal thing for me (Wendi Wentzell), but I am backed by my co-workers at Krayola Body Art.


The APP you will find the statment I included earlier Rings Of Passion a body piercing board that I frequent, trying to get correct information out.
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