Oppose Human Cloning at Harvard Two teams of Harvard scientists are petitioning the University\'s Ethical Review Board to clone human beings for the purposes of embryonic stem cell extraction. This procedure, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer or therapeutic cloning, is done by taking the DNA from a person and transferring it to an egg cell that has had its own nucleus removed. After a series of steps to induce growth, the human clone would then be killed at an early stage of development so that the embryonic stem cells could be used for scientific experimentation. If these researchers are allowed to do this, they would be the first team in the U.S. to perform human cloning for the purposes of stem cell extraction. Harvard Right to Life believes in the sanctity of human life from conception until the time of natural death. The creation of cloned human life for the sole purpose of destroying it for scientific experimentation crosses unacceptable ethical boundaries. If you are opposed to human cloning for scientific experimentation, please fill out the online petition. We encourage all students /faculty as well as those in the general public to fill out the petition to stop human cloning by Harvard scientists. This petition will be sent to the University\'s administration and Ethical Review Board. PLEASE SPECIFY IF YOU ARE A HARVARD STUDENT/FACULTY MEMBER IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!