Nomination of Gina Zamparelli's induction into the Metal Hall of Fame

We, the friends, fans, family, and former clients of legendary rock promoter and band manager Gina Zamparelli (The Queen of L.A. Heavy Metal) come together to petition and endorse the nomination and induction of Gina into the Metal Hall of Fame for 2022.
For all that Gina Zamparelli has contributed to promote and lift up hard rock and heavy metal music, and the countless national and international artists she helped in their careers, she should never be forgotten, and should be honored for her contributions.
We call for your consideration of Gina Zamparelli as an inductee where she would have felt more at home, then with the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame.
We hold this petition to be true of our firm and diligent endorsement of Gina Zamparelli into nomination for the Metal Hall of Fame 2022.