End Obama Royalty Now!
No Compromise 0

End Obama Royalty Now!

174 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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174 people have signed. Add your voice!
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We, the Undersigned American Citizens, demand that Mr and Mrs Obama refrain from their lavish lifestyle while those who pay for the Obama lifestyle lose their jobs, homes, and savings, during this Depression. It is appalling to the American Citizens to watch as the Obamas use tax payer money to go on unnecessary date nights, and it is equaling appalling for American Citizens to watch Michelle Obama take her children to London for fish and chips as just two examples of bad behavior. These behaviors are reminiscent of the lavish lifestyles of past Monarchs, like Louis the XIV, while the Citizenry starved to death. The president serves the American People, NOT the other way around. We demand that the Obamas cease and desist from their lavish, royal lifestyles, and if they must go to London for fish and chips they pay for these nonofficial government trips out of their own savings and income! Most American Citizens are fed up with this outrageous display of disrespect for the American People and WE THE PEOPLE demand an END TO THE OUT OF CONTROL REDISTRIBUTION OF THE AMERICAN WEALTH FOR THE OBAMAS PERSONAL USE, NOW! We did not vote for the Obamas to live like ROYALTIES from the past! No other past president and his spouse have ever behaved with such utter haughty, arrogant, profligate, and unaccountable disrespect for the American People as the Obamas are displaying now! The true unemployment figures are reaching 20% and Michelle Obama decides to take her daughters to London for fish and chips! People are losing their homes and savings and the Obamas decide to use three jet airplanes, two helicopters and a caravan of SUVs for date night! Americans are setting up Obamavilles around America BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOST THEIR HOMES, and the Obamas are hosting lavish parties at the white house! These are just three examples of the Obamas abusing their position of power FOR THE SAKE OF THEIR OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT. THIS MUST STOP NOW! AMERICAN CITIZENS want to see their President and his family are MAKING THE SAME SACRIFICES HE IS DEMANDING OF THE AMERICAN CITIZEN. OBAMAS: YOU ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND YOU MUST STOP NOW!


No Compromise Media is sponsoring the End Obama Royalty campaign to bring awareness to the American Citizenry that the lavish Obama tax paid lifestyle is unbecoming of a leader during a Depression.


http://endobamaroyalty.wordpress.com This blog is designed to bring awareness of the lavish tax paid lifestyle of the Obamas during the US Depression. http://nocompromisemedia.com This blog is the sponsor's blog.
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