Reduce My School Property Taxes This Fall
At June’s school board meeting, Deborah Gatti, North Rockland School District Board President, stated that a final decision on the 2011-2012 budget would be made by August. There are 2 options that can help alleviate the current 7.6% tax increase on Haverstraw residents and further decrease taxes for Stony Point residents.
They are:
1. To take additional monies from the reserve “rainy day” funds.
2. To budget more conservatively and not over estimate expenses for the 2011-2102 school year. (This is something that Deborah Gatti stated at the June board meeting is common practice by school districts and municipalities to prepare for the worst and help build their reserve funds.)
By signing this petition, you are not criticizing the North Rockland school board or administration. You are only asking the school board to consider either one of these two strategies to reduce your property tax increase for this fall.
I will print out the final petition on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 and bring with me to the Committee of Whole Workshop meeting that evening to present to the board. Please make sure you list your name on the petition by no later than the morning of July 19, 2011.
If you have any questions before listing your name, please send an email to