Any Sex Offender Convicted of A Crime Should Not Ever Be Allowed Around A Child Even if Convicted Before 2006!

I am starting a petition for the lives of children who cannot speak for themselves! I recently had an incident with a sex offender who was harrassing my 10 year old daughter, 10 year old nephew, 5 year old niece, & all their friends. The sex offender was stalking, watching them from an abanded building from behind our house. When they would go outside to play, swim, or just sit on the deck he would be there to watch! The sex offender lives two blocks from our house. He would walk up to my fence try to talk to my children, give them money, & other things. Now I threatened him I called the police I pressed charges. The courts told me because he was convicted before 2006 their was nothing they could do but get him for harrassment & tresspassing! Even though this Sex Offender never touched my children that should never matter! I caught him just in time not to! Think of all the parents who have been threw the same thing when they did not catch them in time! Why all because they was convicted before 2006! I want to change this law & the only way we can is if we start with US! With You! Please save our Children & sign this!