Youth for Western Civilization describes itself as a youth movement that is opposed to "trendy multiculturalism" and aims to "take over student governments." You can read more about this group's mission and goals at Unfortunately, this national organization has a chapter at UNC. Next Tuesday, April 14th, they are bringing Tom Tancredo to speak on, in the words of UNC YWC president Riley Matheson, "illegal immigration and the disastrous effects it has on our American society." Tancredo has visited various YWC chapters. His message echoes that of the group, stating "We will never be able to win in the clash of civilizations, if we don't know who we are. If Western civilization succumbs to the siren song of multiculturalism, I believe we're finished." At UNC, we welcome freedom of speech, but we will not stand for hate. The Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs states, "The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill understands that diversity is a critical element of Carolina's pursuit of academic excellence, and has a strong commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive community." We stand for the Carolina Way. We strive to create a campus culture that respects differences and is a safe place for everyone to learn and grow. ----------------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: you do NOT need to donate money to this website in order to sign the petition. It will prompt you to, but your signature will be counted even if you don't.