Boycott 2010 Tehran Fajr Festival

To: The International Theatre Community Subject: Demand to the International Theatre Community to boycott the 2010 Iran Fajr Festival, and stand with the Iranian people in their struggle to achieve freedom, justice and basic human rights. We, the undersigned, theatre practitioners as members of the International theatre community through this petition demand that all theatre groups outside Iran refuse to take part in the 2010 Iranian Fajr Festival. Everyday through thousands of news reports, images and videos we read, hear and watch how hundreds of Iranian artists and activists are beaten, arrested and/or murdered in response to their quest for freedom, justice, democracy, and basic human rights. We witness, in amazement, how the leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran execute their tyrannical suppression upon a people whose only crime is the desire to live with human dignity. We signatories of this petition, as members of international theatre community, believe that by taking part in the 2010 Fajr Festival our names may be added to the list of collaborators with this murderous regime. Therefore keeping within our artistic and ethical obligations, and in order to illustrate our utmost distain for the inhumane treatment of the Iranian people and artists by its ruling regime, we demand that our fellow theatre practitioners across the globe join us in refusing to take part in this year’s Tehran Fajr Festival, and thus maintain our place in the right side of history. We further demand that all international community take actions to stop the brutal suppression of the Iranian people by the current regime in Tehran.