November should be Native American History Month
During every November, here in the US we usually associate this month with Thanksgiving and the official start of the holiday shopping season. I cannot help but to reflect on the Pilgrims and the first "thanksgiving" and the aftermath which included the slaughter of the indigenous peoples of America, and the death of many of them by diseases brought to the new world by Europeans, to which the Native American population had no immunity. I think of the invasion by the Europeans and the seizure of land from people that were peaceful but resistant, deeply religous and lovers of nature. Since they ARE the first inhabitants to the land we call America, we owe them our respect of their culture and we must remember and learn for the first time, many of us, their unique contribution to United States culture and history. It is most appropriate that the United States government honor these native people with an entire month dedicated to their diverse history. Please join me by signing this petition to have the month of November named by our federal government as Native American History Month.