Needed Policy Change for North Reading Kindergarten Lottery
The current policy in place for the full day kindergarten lottery process which results in the splitting of siblings and the major inconvienence on parents having multiple children attending different schools needs to be changed. This current policy makes it extremely difficult for parents needing to return to work during these hard economic times. Unfairly the Hood and Little school are only alloted 1 full day kindergarten each where the batchelder currently has 2.
We are asking for your support to remedy this policy to keep our children together and to avoid unneccessary struggles that our 5 year olds will have to face. Even if you don't have a child entering kindergarten or you are not effected by this current policy you may know someone who is.
Proposed School Policy:
The schools will do everything in their power to keep siblings together in the same school. Specifically in reference to kindergarten; when there are enough spaces for all children who want full day to receive full day kindergarten, we will first place children with older siblings in elementary school into their "home school", we will have a lottery for the remainder of children for location of the kindergarten class.
If you feel that the above policy is something that you would support please sign this petition so that we can bring it in front of the school committee.
Thank you in advance for you support.
Marcia Good and Samantha Miller