Bring Back Nuketown 2025
This petition is being made by an outraged Black Ops II gamer. If you received a launch copy of Black Ops II it came with Nuketown 2025 DLC. After you downloaded this map you got a new playlist to go to which was 24/7 Nuketown. In the description of the playlist it said 24 hours 7 days a week, never going away. This was a complete lie because today which marks a week of the games release, the developers have decided to remove the supposed "24/7" playlist. They have stated on twitter that it can only be played in custom/private matches now and no longer online. They have gone on to say that it will return for special events only. Please sign this petition to get Nuketown 2025 24/7 playlist put back into Black Ops II. If we get enough signatures we can get this fixed. If someone would like to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau that would be fine. I have contacted them on twitter about this petition and i have called them which the did not answer.