NYP Parking in New York City

At a time when media institutions have been forced to operate leaner newsrooms and more work is done directly on the ground with a host of equipment too large to carry, our availability of reasonable parking and thus access to news, both breaking and general, is becoming more and more restricted or nonexistent. The reduction of NYP zones and a lack of enforcement in these NYP zones accompanied by an ever-reduced availability of empty parking spaces in all the boroughs only compounds this problem. We see the shortfall of reasonable parking at news events as a direct assault on our first amendment rights to gather news. This erosion of privileges amounts to a form of news suppression that impedes our rights. We ask that the City of New York permit NYP vehicles to park in Commercial Zones as a first effort to restore our access to news. We see it as our charge to act as the fourth branch of government and one that is important to a functioning democracy as detailed in the Constitution.