The International Petition Against Incendiary Rhetoric

The International Petition for the Immediate Abandonment of Dangerous, Incendiary Rhetoric, as it Relates to the 2008 American Presidential Campaign. We fair minded citizens of the world community, being of all races, creeds, and political dispositions, do hereby state and stand by the following beliefs: -That bigotries and ignorances of all forms continue to exist in the citzenry of the world in dangerous amounts. -That, through means ranging from the promotion of inaccurate perceptions to the use of blatant, incendiary rhetoric, Senator John S. McCain, Governor Sarah L.H. Palin, some members of the Republican party, and some members of the media, are in fact inciting the possibility of violent behavior, thus endangering the safety of Senator Barack H. Obama. -That the 2008 American Presidential Campaign, due to the inclusion of Democratic candidate Senator Barack H. Obama, and due to the aforementioned bigotries, constitutes one of the most potentially dangerous situations in modern American political history. -That this petition is our effort to stop such misleading, untruthful, and dangerous political tactics. -That the continuation of such rhetoric could be interpreted as a justification of violence, against Senator Barack H. Obama, in the minds of those who hold the aforementioned bigotries. -That this petition is our effort to further ensure the safety of Senator Barack H. Obama and his family. -That Senator Barack H. Obama, and his intended policies, do not constitute a danger to our God given, American freedoms in any significant amount. -That Senator Barack H. Obama is an American. -That Senator Barack H. Obama is a Christian. -That Senator Barack H. Obama's policies, although they have common ground with philosophies held throughout many nations, do not constitute him as a Socialist. -That, although imperfect, Senator Barack H. Obama holds a high measure of good intent for his fellow citizens. Furthermore: -We hereby call for an immediate abandonment, by the aforementioned parties, of all rhetoric which overtly incites American born bigotries as they relate to Senator Barack H. Obama: his life, his religion, his color, and his beliefs. -We hereby state that, if, in the case of the continuation of such rhetoric, and in the egregious possibility that Senator Barack H. Obama were to be harmed as a result, Senator John S. McCain, Governor Sarah L.H. Palin, some members of the American Republican party, and some members of the American media, be held accountable in a court of law, and duly charged with incitement to violence. We act and speak in concert, beginning on this day, October 12th, 2008.