Tasnim elzini 0

Objecting the new gate security rule regarding non-dorm female students

730 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Tasnim elzini 0 Comments
730 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We, as female uos students who do not reside in the university’s campus do not accept the new rule which doesnt allow us to enter or leave the university’s campus with our other female friends.

This is a step backwards to female’s independence and rights. Not to mention, I am sure everyone is well aware of the parking problem the whole campus suffers from. Carpooling with your friends not only is helpful and more convenient to you and your friends, it should be to the university as well. In addition, asking every female student to bring their parents in order to sign paperwork that humilates and demeans us and our basic rights is an inconvenience and nuisanc for us all.

This petition aims to bring forward a fair amount of responses so that when the board responsible for this is spoken to, we would be able to provide evidence this is a rule we do NOT accept and is problematic for a large number of people.

Thank you,

Please dont sign this petition unless you put your UNIVERSITY EMAIL

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