Ocean Way
Dean Robert Fisher
Dear Dean Fisher:
We (the musicians of Nashville) are writing you in the hopes that you can expedite the reopening of Ocean Way Studios. You may or may not be aware, but Ocean Way is a crucial venue in the lives of 100’s of Nashville musicians. It is the only venue in Nashville that can accommodate scoring for Film, TV and Videogame scores. These projects make up more than half of the total bookings at Ocean Way and the work done there helps support 100’s of musicians. It is extremely vital to Nashville musicians and their families.
Musicians have been hit especially hard during this pandemic. Not only have most Nashville musicians (including the Nashville Symphony) been forced out of work but, for most, this work will not be coming back as quickly as the rest of the economy. Since most musicians depend on playing to audiences and large gatherings are going to be limited for a good period of time, recording, in many cases, will be their sole source of income at this time.
All the other studios we are aware of are already open but the one studio we really need to be open is Ocean Way. Pat McMakin and his staff have made significant plans to address any and all protocols required by the State or City to ensure the safety of our workplace. We have no doubt it will probably be the safest recording venue in the city. We know it can, and will, be a safe environment.
We are losing 100’s of thousands of dollars a week by not being open and that is work desperately need by Nashville musicians. Please consider helping our musician community in its time of greatest need and expedite the reopening of Ocean Way.
The Musicians of Nashville