Get Jonas Brothers at Carla's Quincenera
ok so you all know carla right well yes she's having a quinceniera on april 25th, 2009 at the events center in brownsville texas. Now you all know her as Jonas, Carla Jonas, Mrs.Jonas, Miss Jarla Jonas, anything dealing with jonas! She is a hardcore jonas fan! Shes bin a fan since 2006 and she still hasnt met them!:( isnt that sad! well yes dont you think it would just be the best thing in the world if the Jonas Brothers would come to her 15th!!!! She would love that! So we started this organization type thing to get this done! OPERATION GET JONAS AT CARLA'S 15TH is a go! please dont copy this idea! we thought about it fair and square! WE NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN THOUGH! sign the petition please :( and check out the myspace