Petition Ended
Petition Summary and Background : To oppose the planning application for the change of use of The White Horse public house, 79 Albert Street, Stevenage, Herts, for its intended purpose of a Bangladeshi Cultural Centre (Mosque) and not the Community centre as the application states. The Mosque will serve an extremely small minority of the old town, but the true intended use is to serve the entire Bangladeshi Muslim community of
Action Petitioned For: We, the undersigned, are concerned residents that strongly object to the change of use due to parking restrictions, increased traffic and road safety issues. The barracks style securty measures will have a negative impact on the environment and are not in keeping with the area. Further more, the intended use does not directly benefit the wider local community, only a very small minority of only 42 old town addresses, thus is intended to attract people from the wider outreaches of
Further information : View the application at the URL address below, the information hidden in the associated documents it will explain in greater detail. You have the right of reply, so state your objections here in addition to signing the petition. The more support and the greater the public objection is felt, the more forceful the case to refuse the change of use and allow common sense to prevail!
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