Omicron Action Plan (CSW)

We, the Social Justice Alliance, hope you have had a safe and relaxing winter break. Amidst the new 446,560 cases that arose in the United States on New Year's eve alone, we want to address the concerns from the Charter student and parent body. Other high schools in Delaware have already declared their concerns for the students’ health and decided to go virtual or conduct surveys asking students their comfortability in coming back. With this footprint already set in place, it is necessary for the number one school in the state to follow.
After the new 36 cases that were reported on December 31st, and many health officials predicting the cases to peak late January and early February, it is not viable to come back to the building. Also, students were not being held accountable for having their masks above their nose pre-break, many peers and parents have reached out to us with their concern for safety in returning to the building.
In this situation, we ask, what measures has CSW taken in order to ensure the safety of students? We understand the new outdoor seating along with a higher amount of filters; however, the seating is very limited, students are completely unmasked during lunch, and the hallways get very crowded during the breaks between classes.
With CSW constantly emphasizing their concern for students’ mental health, it is very worrying when students are required to come back into school with covid cases continuing to peak along with their anxiety. We believe that those who are unsure of what to do, or are afraid to go into school should be able to have a virtual option too.
Keeping everything in mind, we understand the uncertainty of what steps to choose next. But ultimately, we need CSW to choose our and the teachers’ health above all.
The Social Justice Alliance