Mental Health Awareness is an urgent global issue. Mental Health is
misunderstood and has endured inhumane treatments. Since the brain is
the control center of the body, there is no health without mental
health! "One Voice" 4 Mental Heath Awareness is a global advocacy group
to ensure human rights for adults and children with mental health
challenges. Each one deserving support, respect, and dignity without
shame, stigma, or fear. Many refuse to seek treatment because they are
rejected by family and friends. Many turn to self medicating with
alcohol or drugs. Many people experience issues with work, school,
social situations, discrimination, difficulty finding housing, and
inadequate health insurance coverage for mental illnesses. Adults
suffering from certain mental illnesses, if treated correctly as
children, would not deal with self esteem issues. We should focus not
only on adults, but children as well. Instead of receiving adequate
support for mental challenges, children as young as 10 years old are
being incarcerated. Once these children are in the system the laws work
against the parents. Thus, breaking down the family unit all together.
Mental health issues affect us all on global magnitude. Everyone at one
point in their life will experience mental health issues that will need
treatment or support. This might include the stress of being a care
giver, a divorcee, losing a loved one or losing your job. There is high
rate of unemployment and homelessness among those with a diagnosis of
mental illness or those caring for them. Brain Injuries or brain tumors
can occur at any time in someone life and are often very unexpected.
Diagnosis include Bipolar I or II, Schizophrenia, OCD, ADD/ ADHD,
Autism, Anxiety/panic disorder,Phobias, Insomnia, Tourette's syndrome,
Epilepsy ,Postpartum Depression, Eating disorders, Amnesia and
Alzheimer’s. Depression can be a reoccurring condition that could lead
to suicide. Those diagnosed with cancer or HIV/AIDS suffer from
depression as well. Perhaps you have survived a natural disaster or
trauma such as PTSD or "shell shock" in the military.
A benefit concert much like "LIVE AID" where Celebrities/Rock Artists
raise funding for brain research and Treatment Center. We need supportive media
coverage to stop the shame and stigma attached to all mental health
challenges.This concert will be a GLOBALLY watched event. All issues
will be addressed and SUPPORTED.The issues will be presented to each
country and state's representatives to change important laws within
their systems to assure all human rights for mental health issues.
Join Us Globally for Change "One Voice" 4 Mental Health Awareness
♥ One Voice ♥ One Bracelet worn GLOBALLY 4 Awareness ♥
Monitor your own moods at home on-line: This monitoring system may be
shared with the treating physician via hard copy, fax, email, or may be
securely accessed through a Microsoft HealthVault account. Physicians
can make use of the M3 Monitor data to decide if and when medication
adjustments are indicated.