Onondaga Lake Park Loop the Lake Trail Extension and Link to The Erie Canalway Trail

Recreational trails are an integral and valued part of a community, and come with many benefits. Every mile of new trail inspires more people to ride bikes, promotes healthier lifestyles, and creates a more desirable community. Dedicated trails are safer for cyclists and motorists, provide connectivity between neighborhoods and towns, boosts tourism, and create a positive impact for the environment.
Connecting the Erie Canalway Trail has been debated for more than 20 years. The proposal put forth by the Onondaga Lake Trustees connects a major segment, potentially connecting up to 280 miles of existing Erie Canalway Trail, creating one of the longest intrastate multi-use trails in the United States.
With these benefits in mind, this petition supports the construction of two proposed projects: connecting the Erie Canalway trail from Camillus to the Onondaga Loop the Lake trail, and an extension of the Loop the Lake trail into the Inner Harbor of Syracuse. Tell the Onondaga Lake Trustees to implement these projects WITHOUT DELAY to make a real, lasting benefit for the people of New York State.